Heart Disease Hospitalizations

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New maps and data now are available for the Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalizations indicator. Data have been updated for the 2016-2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2015-2017. Trends over time now available for three-year periods beginning with 2011-2013.

Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence

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New maps and data now are available for the Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence indicator. Data have been updated for the 2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2017. Population subgroup data by race and ethnicity are now available.

Hospitals with Cardiac Rehabilitation Units

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New maps and data now are available for the Hospitals with Cardiac Rehabilitation Units indicator. Data have been updated to reflect hospitals in 2019, replacing data for 2018.

New indicator added to the CHNA platform!

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The National Risk Index (NRI) is an score which helps identify communities most at-risk for natural hazards. The NRI leverages available source data for 18 natural hazards, social vulnerability, and community resilience to develop a baseline relative risk measurement for … Continued

New maps and data for Park Access indicator.

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New maps and dat for the Park Access indicator are not available! This updated dataset reports the number and percentage of people within a buffer of ½ mile radius of a park at the census tract level. Data were obtained … Continued

New maps and data for Park Access indicator.

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New data provided by the Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems (CARES). Affected indicators: Physical Environment Park Access . Maps now available at the 2010 census tract level.

Area Deprivation Index – Data Update

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Data for the 2019 Area Deprivation Index (ADI) are now available! The ADI is a ranking of neighborhoods by socioeconomic status disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level). It includes factors for the theoretical … Continued

New data! Data updated for hospital discharge indicators sourced from the California Office of Statewide Planning and Health (OSHPD) Public Patient Discharge Data files (CA Service Areas only).

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Data for survey years 2010-2011 acquired from OSHPD (replacing data for survey year 2010 alone). Improved data processing techniques now generate crude and age-adjusted discharge rates per 10,000 population for select patient conditions. Indicator tables continue to report condition-specific discharge … Continued

New Maps and data now available for water violations.

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This indicator displays the total number of drinking water violations recorded in a two year period. Health-based violations include incidents where either the amount of contaminant exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) safety standard, or where water was not treated … Continued