Chronic Absenteeism by School District, 2015-16

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This layer displays information about chronic absenteeism from the U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). According to the CRDC, a chronically absent studentis a student who is absent 15 or more school days during the school year. … Continued

American Communities Project

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The 15 community types identified in the American Communities Project (ACP) were derived from a standard clustering method of analysis, conducted by political scientist Iris Hui, PhD, where a set of 36 different indicators – everything from population density to … Continued

High-strength formula opioid pills per capita, 2006-2012

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This layer displays the average annual number of high-strength (>30 MME) prescription opioid pain pills purchased for sale in counties across the United States. Data are based on CARES of analysis data made available by the Washington Post.

Opportunity Index Score

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The Opportunity Index is a composite measure that draws upon important economic, educational, health, and community-related indicators of opportunity. The Index was launched in 2011 and has since been updated regularly. It provides insight into the multidimensional nature of opportunity … Continued

Primary Care Physician Access

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This layer displays the rate of physicians per 10,000 population and the total number of physicians at the census tract and county level. Other related layers include various specialities and the number of primary care providers within 5 miles of … Continued

Business Vacancies by Census Tract, 2017

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This layer displays information about commercial address vacancies reported by the United States Postal Service and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This map displays data from the 4th quarter of 2017 (October – December); map layers … Continued