500 Cities Project Data by City and Census Tract, 2015

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Map data topics include preventative health, risk behaviors, and clinical care. Estimates from the 500 Cities Project are available at the state, city, and census tract level. Data representing year 2015 were released in December, 2017. For more map layers … Continued

On-Time Graduation Rates, 2015-16

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This layer displays information about the adjusted four-year cohort graduation rate for school-districts and counties in the United States.

Blood Pressure Control Rates, 2016

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This layer displays the percentage of hypertensive FQHC patients aged 18 and older who had their blood pressure measured at least one time, and whose blood pressure was under control.

On-Time Vaccination Rates, 2016

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This layer displays the percentage of FQHC patients 2 years of age who are up to date on all recommended vaccinations.

FEMA Disaster Declarations by County, 2017

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This layer displays the total number of federal disaster and emergency declarations by county for the year 2017. Disaster events include severe weather events (like tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods) as well as emergencies of man-made origin (like terrorist attacks or … Continued

Cancer Incidence Rates by County, 2011-15

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Layer displays cancer incidence rates (all sites) per 100,000 population by state and county. Additional map layers from this update include incidence rates for breast cancer, colon and rectum cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and more.

Teen Birth Rates by County, 2010 and 2015

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This dataset contains estimated teen birth rates for age group 15–19 (expressed per 1,000 females aged 15–19) by county and year. Hierarchical Bayesian space-time models were used to generate hierarchical Bayes estimates of county teen birth rates for each year. … Continued

Opiate Prescription Rates

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The data in the maps show the geographic distribution in the United States, at both state and county levels, of retail opioid prescriptions dispensed per 100 persons from 2006–2016. Data are displayed using state and county level boundaries. The state … Continued