Children with Over 4 Hours of Screen Time per Day

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This layer displays the percentage of children age 0 – 17 whose parents report that they spend more than 4 hours per day, on average, watching television or playing video games. This state-level data comes from the 2011-2012 National Survey … Continued

Health Insurance Market Place Enrollment, 2015

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The dataset provides the total number of health plan selections by ZIP Code for the 37 states that use the platform, including the Federally-facilitated Marketplace, State Partnership Marketplaces and supported State-based Marketplaces. These data reflect the total number of … Continued

National Transporation Atlas, 2014

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Multiple layers from the 2014 release of the National Transportation Atlas (NTA) are now available through Community Commons. The US Department of Transportation releases this annual dataset displaying many transportation related features, ranging from highway and airport locations to fatality … Continued

Income from Transfer Payments, 2013

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Layer displays information about personal income from transfer payments from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series. In personal income, transfer receipts are benefits received by persons for which no current services are performed. Additional … Continued

Income from Veterans Benefits, 2013

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Layer displays information about transfer payments income from veterans’ benefits from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series. Additional attributes include transfer benefits per capita, and percent change in benefits between 2009 and 2013.

Physical Inactivity by County, 2011

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Layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who do not participate in any leisure-time physical activity. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Home Loan Originations by Applicant Race/Ethnicity

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Layers display data from the 2012 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act flat files. Data is available for all counties and census tracts in the United States and depicts the total number and percentage of home loan originations by primary applicant race … Continued

Head Start Program Locations

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This layer displays locations of Head Start facilites in the United States. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) identifies head start facilities as either a center, an early childhood center, a seasonal / migrant center, or any combination of … Continued

Percent Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch

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This layer displays information about free and reduced price lunch eligibility among public school students. This point-level data is acquired from the 2012-2013 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD).