Population in Poverty, Disparity Index Score

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Layer displays information about racial disparity of poverty using data from the 2010-2014 American Community Survey (ACS). The Index of Disparity (ID) is used to show the magnitude of variation in indicator percentages across population groups. In this case, the … Continued

Statistics of Income from the IRS

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Layers display ZIP code and county-level information about tax returns filed in 2013, including the number and percentage of returns with an adjusted gross income less than $20,000. Data is acquired through the Brookings Institute’s Earned Income Tax Credit Interactive.

Per Capita Income, 2014

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This layer displays per capita personal income by county. This measure of income is calculated as the total personal income of the residents of an area divided by the population of the area. Per capita personal income is often used … Continued

Income from Transfer Payments

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This layer displays information about personal income from transfer payments. Data are from the 2016 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series.

Income from Medical Transfer Payments

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This layer displays information about personal income from Medical transfer payments, including Medicare and Medicaid. Data are from the 2016 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series.

Income from SNAP/Food Assistance Payments

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This layer displays information about personal income from SNAP and food assistance transfer payments. Data are from the 2016 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series.

Household Income, Hispanic Male

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

Household Income, White Female

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.