Premature Mortality Rates for 2012-16 by County

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This layer displays the total number of deaths (all causes) occurring before age 65 per 100,000 population (age-adjusted) for the 2012-16 5-year period. Data are obtained from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database.

Selected Mortality Rates for 2013-17 by County

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This layer displays cancer mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2013-17 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Opioid Overdose Mortality for 2013-17 by County

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This layer displays opioid overdose mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2013-17 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes by Location, 2017

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This layer displays the location or intersection of fatal crashes occurring in 2017. This layer can be toggled to view fatal crashes involving a drunk driver, and crashes with pedestrian fatalities.

Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes by Location, 2018

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This layer displays the location or intersection of fatal crashes occurring in 2018. This layer can be toggled to view fatal crashes involving a drunk driver, and crashes with pedestrian fatalities.

Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes by County, 2014-2018

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This layer displays the number and rate of fatalities from motor vehicle crashes ccurring between 2014 and 2018, aggregated by county. Unlike typical mortality data, this data layer represents the location of the fatal crash, and not the county of … Continued

COVID-19 Deaths

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This layer displays information about deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in US counties. Case counts are updated daily from a feature service provided by Johns Hopkins University. Rates are calculated by CARES using 2018 population totals.

Opioid Overdose Mortality for 2014-18 by County

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This layer displays opioid overdose mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Multiple Cause of Death database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.